27. February 2024.

Promotion of the Proceedings from the scientific conference “Web3 and Blockchain in Bosnia and Herzegovina” was held

The importance of following global trends and dedicating more attention to the development of the use of web3 and blockchain technologies was discussed at the international scientific conference Web3 & Blockchain in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The conference resulted in the Proceedings, published by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science and the INTERA Technology Park.
20. February 2024.

Presentation of Proceedings „Web 3 & Blockchain in Bosnia and Herzegovina“

24. January 2023.

Web3 and blockchain in BiH: Register your research and papers for presentation at scientific conference in INTERA TP

15. December 2022.

Web3 and blockchain in the focus of the new scientific conference in INTERA Technology Park

Web3 and blockchain technology have been at the center of attention in the technology sector and many other industries for some time. Various sources and literature provide different definitions, but it would be simplest to say that blockchain is a decentralized system secured by cryptography that is used for storing and transmitting data