For the past previous years, the world of production has been rapidly digitalized and today it is almost unthinkable without CNC tool machines which are managed by the computer (CNC=Computer Numeric Control). CNC technologies have made changes into production processes, wood and metal processing and processing of other materials what resulted in greater demand for professions like CNC operator and CNC programmer.
Following this trend, INTERA Technology Park has been providing practical skills and knowledge in this field on the modern machines and software tools made for this intention.
INTERA TP and Haas Automation –always with the winners!
INTERA Technology Park is a member of the world HTEC network (Haas Technical Education Center) and it is recognized as one of the best and most professional educational centers in the field of CNC technologies of this type in Europe.
For over four years the Haas Corporation has been a part of Formula 1, the most expensive and sophisticated technical sport that offers its drivers an opportunity to become the fastest and the best in the world. These are the opportunities that INTERA TP offers through educations in the field of CNC technologies to all its attendants- to become expertise and to develop their career fully, in the way they could only imagine.
Hurry with the applications!
The CNC programmers training, that has been conducted at INTERA TP for several years, simultaneously with the training for CNC operators, introduces the participants with the digital world of CNC technologies for the metal processing.
The beginning of the new education cycle is planned for Monday, October 16th, 2023 at 5 p.m.
Through the precisely shaped process of education, the participants will acquire the key skills needed for independent practicing of the CNC programmer business.
During the 50 school classes, participants will, with the help of experienced educators, acquire knowledge that every CNC programmer has to possess in order to do operations like turning, milling, turn-milling and wire cutting.
The applications for the CNC programmers are open until October 13th 2023. Hurry with the applications, because the number of participants is limited.
For more information on the education and applying go to