The European Union has been enabling for over many years the improvement of life and business for all the citizens of Western Balkans through the pre-accession assistance Instrument (IPA). Bosnia and Herzegovina is also a member of the beneficiary states and it can achieve positive impacts on all the social development stages through different programs.
Being aware of the possibilities hiding in these programs, the INTERA Technology Park and Association for cooperation and development SARA are organizing together a presentation of the territorial cooperation program and IPA state programs.
New program period is referred to the period from 2021 to 2027 during which the public organizations, local self-government organizations, civil society organizations, companies and many others will have a chance to apply for the different calls open through different programs and to use the non-refundable funds to achieve valuable results. These programs and the possibilities they offer will be a subject of discussion for the representatives of the Direction for European Integrations at the Code Hub Mostar on Tuesday, February 21st 2023 at 12.00 ‘o clock. This event is called Presentation of EU funds available in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At this event Marina Kavaz-Siručić will present the possibilities for the territorial cooperation programs whose part is also B&H during the mentioned period, and Slađana Cvijanović will be talking about IPA state programs with the focus on the new IPA III Instrument.
The participation at the event is free and it is intended for all the individuals and representatives of all organizations that intend to apply for the certain calls with their own project suggestions. All the people interested can apply on the link but it is important to mention that the number of participants is limited to the space capacity.